Working Groups

Working groups are action-driven cross-sector teams that will be key in informing the next updated Good Food for All agenda. They will work towards advancing the policies, initiatives, and campaigns outlined in the regional charter.

These groups convene multi-sector stakeholders in regular meetings, creating a collaborative space for partners. These include representatives from institutions, organizations, and communities directly impacted by our efforts. The aim is to foster a dynamic exchange of ideas and strategies to promote the Good Food for All agenda. Partners will coalesce around an action-oriented policy, campaign, or initiative-driven purpose which may include, but not necessarily limited to the following:

  • Identify new policies, initiatives, and/or budget opportunities 

  • Evaluate existing policy/appropriations and suggest updates and/or modifications 

  • Track and monitor implementation of policy/Initiative/budgetary items 

  • Organize and campaign towards policy passage/budget allocation 

Working Groups:

Regenerative and Urban Agriculture: This group will explore opportunities to support and expand the number and scale urban agriculture throughout Los Angeles County. Possible areas of exploration may include Urban Ag Incentive Zone, utilization and cost of municipal water and electricity and zoning regulations. Beginning May 2024.

Good Food Purchasing: This group will develop comprehensive strategies to expand and deepen adoption and implementation of the Good Food Purchasing Program and Policy within institutional and public settings across Los Angeles. Anticipated to begin Summer 2024.

Good Food Economy:  Fostering economic development and resilience is key to building a sustainable food system. This group aims to build on existing efforts to infuse healthy food business practices and retail in communities across Los Angeles. Anticipated to begin Fall 2024.

Food Loss and Waste Reduction: This group focuses on food loss and waste reduction policies and initiatives across the supply chain which negatively impacts our food system by examining food waste source reduction, packaging, transportation and storage as well as diversion and recovery efforts. Anticipated to begin Winter 2024.

Emerging working groups being considered: Food and Unsheltered Angelenos, Food and Immigrant Communities. 


Alliances are dedicated to specific sectors within the food system, offering a platform for members to exchange tips, resources, and explore partnership opportunities. Their primary goal is to amplify the sector's role in advancing the Good Food for All agenda, leveraging peer-to-peer networking and the sharing of resources for collective strength. Designed as spaces for networking, resource exchange, seeking information, solving challenges, fostering community, and facilitating continuous learning, Alliances encourage active engagement in a variety of collaborative activities

LA Food Recovery Alliance: A monthly gathering of food recovery and distribution agencies and partners which engages in resource sharing and capacity building discussions.

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