CA Governors Proposed Budget

Statement from the Los Angeles Food Policy Council on Proposed Budget Cuts to California's Food System Programs

The Los Angeles Food Policy Council is deeply concerned about the proposed cuts in Governor Newsom's 2024-2025 budget, which stand to significantly impact vital programs that sustain our food system. These reductions not only threaten the progress we have made towards a more equitable and sustainable food system but also challenge the health and well-being of our communities.

Recent surveys with Los Angeles County residents highlight a troubling increase in food insecurity, with 3 in 10 households experiencing this challenge in 2023, up from 24% in 2022. This rise is attributed to factors like inflation, high food prices, and the end of increased SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits, known as CalFresh in California. With about 1 million L.A. County households now food insecure, the need for supportive food programs is more critical than ever.

CDFA's Farm to Community Food Hub Program ($14.4 Million Cut): The reduction in funding for this program could undermine efforts to connect local farmers to communities, particularly in underserved areas. This program plays a crucial role in ensuring access to fresh, locally-grown produce, and its reduction could limit the availability of healthy food options for many Californians.

CDFA's California Underserved and Small Producer Program ($12.9 Million Cut): This cut may disproportionately affect small-scale and minority farmers who rely on this program for support in reaching markets and sustaining their operations. The program's reduction could result in fewer locally-produced food options and a loss of livelihood for these essential food system contributors.

CDFA's California Nutrition Incentive Program ($33.2 Million Cut): The proposed cuts to this program could significantly affect efforts to provide incentives for low-income individuals to purchase healthy foods. This reduction could lead to decreased access to nutritious food options for vulnerable populations, exacerbating issues of food insecurity and health disparities.

Regional Climate Collaboratives Program at the Strategic Growth Council ($9.8 Million Cut from General Fund): The reduction in funding for this program could impact collaborative efforts to address climate resilience in our food system. This program is instrumental in bringing together diverse stakeholders to develop localized solutions to climate challenges, including those affecting food production and distribution.

Healthy Refrigeration Grant Program ($8.5 Million Cut from General Fund): Cuts to this program could limit the availability of refrigeration facilities in underserved areas, crucial for preserving fresh produce and reducing food waste. This program is key to ensuring that all communities have access to fresh and healthy food options.

Food Production Investment Program at the CEC ($18.8 Million General Fund Cut): The reduced funding for this program could affect the adoption of sustainable food production technologies. This program supports initiatives that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in food production, crucial for a sustainable and resilient food system.

The Los Angeles Food Policy Council urges reconsideration of these budget reductions. Investing in these programs is not just an investment in our food system but in the health, economy, and environmental well-being of all Californians. We call on the state leaders to prioritize these critical programs to ensure a fair and sustainable food system for all.

Call to Action for Food Equity Advocates and Community Stakeholders:

We call upon food equity advocates, community stakeholders, and all concerned citizens to join us in urging state legislators and the Governor's office to reconsider these budget cuts. Your voice is critical in this pivotal moment. Here are ways you can take action:

  1. Contact Your Representatives: Reach out to your state legislators to express your concerns about these budget cuts and their impact on food equity and sustainability. Personal stories and testimonials about how these programs have benefitted your community can be particularly impactful.

  2. Engage in Public Forums: Attend town hall meetings, budget hearings, and other public forums where these issues are discussed. Your presence and participation can bring much-needed attention to the cause.

  3. Mobilize Your Networks: Use your networks and platforms to raise awareness about these proposed cuts and their potential impacts. Social media, community groups, and local gatherings are powerful tools for mobilizing support and sharing information.

  4. Support Local Initiatives: Strengthen local food systems by supporting initiatives and organizations that are directly impacted by these cuts. This can include volunteering, donating, or simply choosing to buy from local small producers and underserved farmers.

Script to Call:

“Hello _____________ my name is __________. I am calling to express my deep concerns regarding the nearly $80 million worth of disinvestment in our food system outlined in the Governor’s proposed budget. Significant reductions to CA Nutrition incentive program, healthy refrigeration grant program, farm to community food hub, the CA underserved and small producer program and the Regional Climate Collaboratives threaten the progress we have made towards a more equitable and sustainable food system. These programs are pathways to improving food security, economic resilience and sustainability across Los Angeles and the state.”

Key Talking Point:

  • We are deeply concerned that nearly $80 million worth of food system funding has been recommended to be cut

  • The proposed budget cuts to within the proposed budget threaten the progress we have made towards a more equitable and sustainable food system

  • We urge you to oppose disinvestment which will hurt our regional food systems, small farmers, and food insecure communities

Call or Email:

Governor Gavin Newson

Phone call: (916) 445-2841

Online message form:

Assembly Budget Committee Chair, Jesse Gabriel


Senate Budget Committee Chair, Senator Nancy Skinner

Advocate for Policy Change: Engage in advocacy campaigns that push for policies supporting sustainable, equitable food systems. This includes supporting alternative proposals that ensure continued funding and expansion of these critical programs.

Together, we can amplify our voices to safeguard the vital programs that form the backbone of California’s and Los Angeles's food systems. It's crucial now, more than ever, that we unite in action to protect and enhance our food systems. This commitment is not just about maintaining the status quo but about actively improving access to affordable, accessible, sustainable, and fair food options, especially for our most vulnerable communities. In doing so, we ensure that our food system in Los Angeles, as well as across California, remains healthy, equitable, sustainable, and accessible to all.


Big News! LAFPC received support in launching our Cultivate Farms and Farmers Program from US Department of Agriculture!